July 8, 2013

Today we made plans to see the Luxembourg Gardens. Along the way we stopped for lunch. Maggie had a French hot dog.

After lunch we looked around a French University.

The Luxembourg Gardens were crowded with lots of people sunning in the shade, launching sail boats in the fountain, or watching the live music concert. It was very hot and dusty.

To get out of the heat of the sun we rested in the Saint Sulpice church. Though beautiful, one of the church towers was different than the other.

Outside of the church was a huge fountain that you could splash around in.

Taking the Metro and walking and walking and walking, we finally got to the RueCler market where we bought produce.

Arriving back to the apartment, we left to see the Tour Eiffel with dad's associate from Sevilla, Spain. There was a very long line to go up the elevators. After walking around a bit, we decided to eat at a restaurant near the marketplace we went to earlier. All the restaurants were full so we ate at a cafe.

à plus tard!


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About M and M

My photo
Mary and Maggie, artist and baker, are twin sisters who collaborate their respective talents together in various projects for friends and family. They are students at Berry College. Mary is studying art history and Maggie marketing; both girls also have a double major in music, being violinists.

Maggie and Mary

Maggie and Mary


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Lauri Yoo · July 20, 2013

Love the last picture of you two!
