Home Away From Home, July 17

We stayed in this morning, but we do have some neighborhood pictures for you.....

Everywhere we go people ride bikes, these bikes you can rent to ride to your heart's content.

We choose the beloved metro because mom is a pro.

Meme has a new interest in doors so she takes pictures all over Paris.

I just thought these flowers were pretty.

This is our street.

This is our apartment. 
The 4th floor is us, the balcony with the table and chairs.

This is our starting point everyday.

We like fresh pastries for breakfast and because the corner bakery has closed until August for vacation, we've had to walk a bit farther to this bakery.


Our favorite is the chocolate croissant, pain au chocolat.
Can you spot them?
They are second to the left on the bottom rack.

At noon, mom and I set out for lunch.
Remember those meringue cakes from Aux Merveilleux we posted about a while ago?
(From Bastille Day)
Well, they were delicious and we've been dreaming about them for a while so we were eager to get some.
Making our way down to the shop, we passed the post office

 and the market.

 I ignored the ice cream

 and finally reached our destination!

I picked out a bonus white chocolate meringue cake this time.

On our way back, mom and I stopped for some lunch:
A garlic chicken wrap.

We said hi to the dog

and then happily dug in. 

à plus tard!


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About M and M

My photo
Mary and Maggie, artist and baker, are twin sisters who collaborate their respective talents together in various projects for friends and family. They are students at Berry College. Mary is studying art history and Maggie marketing; both girls also have a double major in music, being violinists.

Maggie and Mary

Maggie and Mary
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