Marche d'Aligre July 18, 2013

Today we went to the Marche d'Aligre.


I love the bright colors of the fruit and veggies.





We had a delicious lunch of chicken, olives, and lemons. Here is the chef with the apricot tart he made.
Then we got lost walking to a store mom wanted to see. The whole trip Maggie and I had a quest to buy a scarf from Paris. I finally found one I liked in a colorful scarf shop.
On the way we got ice cream shaped as a rose. It was very pretty. You could get different flavors such as a yellow inside and white outside.

We still hadn't made it to the shop so we took a rest in a quiet church. They had piano music playing in the back. Maggie and I walked around the whole church trying to find the piano player until dad pointed out the speakers playing the recording.  
This laid back dog reminded us of our Bea back home.
Dad, Maggie, and I took the metro back home. We had a buffet of Chinese food for dinner. It turns out that the store mom wanted to see had been closed for some years. She has a very old Paris guide book...
 à plus tard!


  1. dear m and m, the pictures look yummy! they make me just want to eat them. did you have sweets for breakfast, lunch and din din? love JO xoxoxoxoxoxxooxxoxoxoxo

    1. Hi Jo, we like to eat croissants for breakfast. If we are out, we eat sandwiches, Chinese, or something from a cafe for lunch and dinner. Last night Meme and I had cheeseburgers!

      Love, Maggie



About M and M

My photo
Mary and Maggie, artist and baker, are twin sisters who collaborate their respective talents together in various projects for friends and family. They are students at Berry College. Mary is studying art history and Maggie marketing; both girls also have a double major in music, being violinists.

Maggie and Mary

Maggie and Mary
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