My Beloved Cheeseburger, July 19

Today we stopped by the most creative store ever.
Take a look:

(click on the pictures to take a closer look)

Cheese graters and umbrellas!!

Mom had picked out this linen store to visit, where Chef Patricia Wells  shops for aprons.
We had a furry friend greet us.

We like dogs.

 Oh, and here is the linen.

Next door was a lovely bakery,
but we were waiting for ice cream.

We finally got some refreshing treats here, at this beautiful chocolate shop.
It reminded us of someone who loves dark chocolate. :)

Isn't the back wall with all of the tins lovely?

Another of mom's picks:

Since it was close to 5 pm, we made our way to Port Royal to meet some new missionary friends. Thank you for spending your time with us, we liked your stories. :)
They also say hello to the Houbens!

We met dad for dinner back at La Muette, close to the apt.
It was a delicious cheeseburger. Can you see the beautiful American ketchup?

Dad had duck and mom had his duck with salad.

This was across the street.....


Tomorrow is our last day.
  à plus tard!


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About M and M

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Mary and Maggie, artist and baker, are twin sisters who collaborate their respective talents together in various projects for friends and family. They are students at Berry College. Mary is studying art history and Maggie marketing; both girls also have a double major in music, being violinists.

Maggie and Mary

Maggie and Mary
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